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  • Writer's pictureMano Matthews

New Moon in Capricorn in Conjunction with Pluto

This time around, the New Moon will be in Capricorn. There will be more activity than usual with the planets. This New Moon on January 13, 2021, will be in conjunction with Pluto. What this means on a spiritual level is it is a time for immense growth for the soul, but not without some trials and tribulations. Mars will also be squaring Saturn that will also make one feel frustrated and insecure. The cherry on top is Jupiter squaring Uranus. You might feel uncomfortable with the sudden changes that will come.

Things will feel very confusing as if you are in a crisis mold, but it will create many great opportunities. The challenge is the time it takes to adapt to the changes. One of the tricks is to be open to the change and not afraid of it, and you’ll be better in the long run.


January 12th, 13th and 14th

The strongest day is the 13th.




Blue, too keep cool and clear thought.



Brown, to feel grounded and stable.



Yellow, to feel perpetual healing.



Purple or Lilac, for intuition and to keep a channel open to the universe or God..


Pink, to keep any negativity away.

Light all around you! Peace!!! :-* Mano


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