New Moon in Scorpio - Death and Renewal

November will be one of the more pivotal months of the year and will start with the new moon in Scorpio which in itself already makes things intense. It will be a time when we will see things more real and truer to the heart, delve deeper within, and throw away anything that doesn’t work for us anymore. We won’t want anything superficial, fluffy, or anything that doesn’t make sense. It’s best to be reminded that Scorpio is all about death and renewal, whether we like it or not, no matter how hard we try to resist it. Taking the road that has the least resistance is the best path to choose. And as we go through November there will be more than one form of metamorphosis that we will go through. The big one will be Pluto going into Aquarius for twenty years. By the time it’s over we will all feel as if we had been living in the Stone Age with Fred Flintstone and dumped him for George Jetson!