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Mano Matthews


If you find yourself going through intense changes in your life, remember to add the right amount of imagination into your reality.

On a world level, there will be documents that will be signed with the assumption that these issues have been taken care of and completed. In reality, they will have to be addressed at a later date because it will be proven that these documents are instrumental in making improvements for your future. That is what usually happens when egos are interfering with the kind of change that needs to happen to make the world a better place for all involved.

Also with the economy, the recent government that is in power will try to be creative to make it look like the economy is doing well, where in reality it could crash if certain matters are not resolved. Right now, they’re not letting the right people correct the leakage. Hopefully, at the eleventh hour, it should be resolved.

On a personal level, this may be a harsh winter season as far as colds and cases of flu are concerned. Remember to drink lots of fluids, take your vitamins and get proper rest. If you overspent this holiday season, spend a little more time and balance your personal budget. If you find yourself going through intense changes in your life, remember to add the right amount of imagination into your reality.

"Happy New Year with LIGHT all around you :-)!"




Starting in the New Year, you’ll be having a lot of job offers come your way. I would recommend that you give everything deep thought, but don’t start anything as fast as you are requested to start. Also, as much as you are on demand, make sure that you are financially compensated even if it’s delayed. The job that you will be taking will be a form of a partnership and something brand new that you have not encountered yet. But you are qualified. While you make the transition into this new profession even though you won’t understand everything right away, trust it and it will all pan out.



A loved one of yours may be going through some health issues and the issues may be of an unknown nature. Keep on top of things with this person. Also, at the same time, you will be having issues with your work that will make you even more successful. Try to balance both which I believe you can. Go with the flow this month. You will be able to get through it.



For the longest time, you have been struggling with emotional issues. If they are not taken care of you will never be satisfied with your life. Also, there is a romance that can develop in your life and I would recommend that you pursue it. The more you neglect it the chances you will lose this opportunity. Last but not least, there is something that you are developing with your work and once you put it into motion it will do everything for you and you won’t have to overextend yourself anymore.



There will be a new work project that you will be introduced to where you will need to synchronize certain issues with your coworker to get things done. Unexpectedly, you almost take care of these issues on your own anyway. As soon as you feel everything is going downhill, everything is balanced and you are in control. Although it may not look like it right now, you should grow within this new project and love it.



All the projects that you are getting to a finishing point from 2019 to 2020, will get completed. Once they are done you will be starting a new job or a new position within a company. Whatever it may be, it is a work project that is made to order for you. The only advice I can give you is to have the ambition and the passion to pursue it.



There are certain health issues that you have put off that need addressed and the sooner you address it the better. It is time for you to take your romantic relationship to the next level so you might move in together or even get married. Just realize that the honeymoon is over and reality will set in. What I mean is although it is nothing that you can’t accomplish; living with someone is definitely different than just dating. If you can afford it, be sure to keep a separate office.



Although you feel like your love life is on a sinking ship and you should leave this relationship, for reasons beyond your control the relationship works out. Speaking of work, there is another relationship that needs fixing and that has to do with a partnership at work. It is time to go to the office and renegotiate your contract that you feel isn’t working for you. To your astonishment, you can get what you want from work as well. Your employer will like the new ideas that you bring to the table. Believe it or not, this can lead to new opportunities within your career.



This holiday season has been exhausting for you. What you really want to do for the New Year is to have a quiet moment. I would recommend that you talk to your partner into staying in one place with you. This January you need to expect the unexpected with certain relatives from your past. Whatever issues you have with them, hold on to what you feel is rightfully yours. These issues will take until the spring to work out, but it will be worth it.



Right now you are going through some intimidation issues with your partner. These issues need to be taken care of so you have to come up with an agreement. It might mean moving, or getting more educated within your career, it needs to be addressed so you are on the same page as your life partner. In order for you to have a happy relationship, you also have to settle things with your career. Just realize it can be resolved. Your partner will love you enough to deal with anything with you.



This month there has been a power struggle between you and someone else at work. It has gotten to a point where you feel you want to quit your job. You can work these issues out with your coworker. By the spring you will get another job offer and you can jump ship if you want. Be patient and wait until this other new opportunity opens up for you because it is not yet time.



Although you are reluctant to change, you will have no choice but make some changes so trust yourself and have faith. These changes will be all the right changes for you. You will know exactly when everything falls into place and you can rest easy. They are not only for your own good, but they will also make you more successful as the year goes on.



What you are discovering is that in your relationship that you are having you realize that are more differences than in this situation opposites attract. Don’t be shy, be open and honest and direct if you really want it to work. Be patient and slow with it and keep calm. The pieces will fall into place. Pat yourself on the back that you had the patience to pursue this relationship project. You will be satisfied and happy.

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