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Mano Matthews


Right now, we are living in a world that's more stressful than usual. I've done the cards more than once on the coronavirus and they say we should have a vaccine or antidote by the end of the month.

Right now, we are living in a world that's more stressful than usual. I've done the cards more than once on the coronavirus and they say we should have a vaccine or antidote by the end of the month. Once they have it then it will be distributed as fast as they can. My friend's doctor got the virus and took a malaria drug and it cured him.

It does seem kind of funny that the only country that is not feeling the effects of the coronavirus is Russia. Perhaps they were born with the antidote in them? What are the chances of that?

Having said all this, it's important to remember to keep feeling positive. Never go into the fear factor. That's a sure ticket into getting ill. One way to feel peace is to imagine that you always have your guardian angels around you to protect you.

Take this time to learn more things about yourself and to love others even while practicing social distancing. It's your intuition that will keep you safe and healthy.

"LIGHT all around you :-)!"




Happy Birthday, Aries. Starting on your birthday you go into your sun period for 52 days which means whatever you want to get done for the rest of the year you should start now!! This is going to be one of those months where you'll have to take things slowly and not rush so you don't make any mistakes that you'll regret later on. Take a deep breath and be patient. Go over any projects that you have with a fine-tooth comb so everything is perfect. Also, you'll find new ways of saving lots of money on things that you already have in front of you!



Congratulations, you’re just about to get out of your money rut. You just have a few issues to take care of on a financial level and then you'll be just fine. There is a conference that you want to go to that may be canceled, but they will find another way to go about it that makes you just as happy! You have a partner at work that you’re not sure will work out, but in the ending it does. They will respect how you individually operate and see how much more successful you are for the benefit of the company!



I don’t blame you for being impatient because the planets have had you in a holding pattern for a while. Your dream project is still on the horizon and it will happen no matter what! You have at least two people that you know that would like a commitment from you. There is no law out there that says you can't have both. Do you have the expertise to pull it off? Although you feel money has been tight for you, in the ending everything falls into place.



You may have been fighting a cold since the beginning of the year. Usually, colds are all about accepting change in your life. The more you accept the change, the quicker your ailments will disappear. Just remember, since your sign is more psychic than others and you can see more, use it to your advantage in certain situations. This puts you on top of the game. Also, your partner in life may be exhausted from work. It's up to you to help keep them healthy, but don't make it obvious so you don't insult their intelligence. There is a business trip that you don't want to take, but in the ending, you'll realize how much it will pay off.



There may be a business travel plan that will be postponed, but somehow you get around it. You feel you've been tied up with a lot of work and wish you were a kid again. Well, in that case, meditate and visualize what you want and then your work will go a lot easier. You’re trying to get a new project off the ground with a new partner, but for some reason, at the last minute, the partner doesn't follow through. It's up to you to save the day with an alternative plan.



Your heart has been aching for someone that you love because you have the feeling it may not work out. If there are any blocks in the relationship, they should lift and you should be together sooner rather than later. You've been having tremendous worries about money because you feel nothing is moving your way. At the eleventh hour, you will get the money you need. Whatever measures you have taken to help yourself, you've done a good job to keep you healthy and have a lack of stress in your life.



Because of stress at work, you may be putting your love life at risk. Tell the truth and be straight forward with the one that you love. They'll be more understanding than you think and may even give you some good advice to help resolve issues at work. Although you feel this has been a long winter, you’ll get a chance to do something fun by the end of the month.



There is someone you know that is very ill. Chances are they may not make it through this so say some prayers. Although you love your partner very much, you should take measures to improve your relationship if you want it to last. Whatever hardships you've been going through, they will all be lifted by the ending of the month. You've been standing with your own spiritual beliefs that have been helping you get through in tough times. Stay with it even if others don't understand your philosophy!



There are some very negative experiences from your past that you feel you would like to change. The wisest thing you could do is let it go and learn from it. Allow life to help you heal from it all. There is someone from your past that you had a falling out with. There will be some very unique circumstances that will come about that will heal that union. You'll be starting to go through some business difficulties that are beyond your control. But through it, you'll unexpectedly be meeting some new people that will help you in unusual but very clever ways.



There's a chance if you’re not careful you may get ill, and the illness may linger. The whole irony is that you may have the remedy in your kitchen. My guess is Apple cider vinegar. It’s good to gargle with it or if you are feeling ill a shot down the hatch goes a long way. Although you may have your fears of feeling lonely, you really won't have to worry. This may be a month of seeing too many people. (Too many zoom calls!)



Someone from your past that you had a falling out with, might contact you because of problems that they're having. Just treat it all diplomatically. There's a possibility you'll be having a love relationship with someone that you always considered just a friend. Always keep in positive spirits that will be the one sure way you'll keep in good health. You may start the month feeling a bit fragile so hold yourself together, there's nothing you can't get through.



There's a good chance you may meet someone new who wants to be your next best friend. Don't go there. They don't wish you well. Use your God-given intuition to figure out who this person is. You'll feel a bit of cabin fever this month so while you’re at home take advantage of the time by doing something positive that you've always wanted to do. Problematic situations may pop up at work but you'll be quick on your toes to resolve those issues.

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