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  • Mano Matthews


A time for recovery and rebuilding.

The New Moon will be in Leo on August 18th with energy in Mars and Aries which will feel very mercurial. It's wise to mention that Mars will be going retrograde on September 9th, so now is a good time to take action, be courageous, and do whatever it takes to get you up and running while focusing on things you feel passionate about. In other words, use your positive creative energy to get it done before Mars goes retrograde.

This will be a good time to find other alternatives to make money. You might start a new business or help others with their talents. Whatever you do, it would be wise that you make decisions from your heart by focusing on feeling peaceful and staying neutral without buying into all the chaos. This will help you navigate these very challenging times and keep you moving in the right direction.

You feel you have so much that you want to do right now. Proceed with caution and selectively choose which project you want to tackle. Then be focused, and do it well. Do not multi-task! Pick what you want to do, and do it well. Be patient, choose carefully, and you'll accomplish more than you would by spreading your energy in too many directions.

Since this will be a time where you will feel you may need to compromise with what you are doing, think very carefully. Prioritize and make the right choices. As always, please meditate to keep your heart strong and healthy.

May you have a very accomplished New Moon!


  • August 17th, 18th, and 19th

  • The strongest day is the 18th.



Light a Blue Candle

Blue for vision, clarity and calmness.

Purple or lilac

Light a Brown Candle

Purple or lilac to be clear of any ego in the way.


Light a green candle

Green for the heart.


Light a green candle

Yellow for protection.

Much light and love all around you!!! :-*


Go to candle ritual:

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