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Writer's picture: Mano Matthews Mano Matthews

The Prognosis for April 2023

Just a reminder, Mercury will be going into retrograde from April 21st to May 14th affecting mechanical things. So, you shouldn't buy anything new that's mechanical. It's easy to have misunderstandings or miscommunication problems during this timeframe. It's not the best time to travel, especially if you've never been there before because things can be delayed. It's not a good time to sign any new contracts because they are not binding. But it's a good time to see old friends, spend time with family members, and to finish off old things.

Also, at this time, Pluto will be entering Aquarius (March 28th to June 11th). This means whatever has been kept hidden will now come out to the public and certain lies will be exposed. It will be a time of innovation and new things in tech knowledge coming about. Also, what is old and doesn't work anymore will be done away with. Old institutions will fall, and new ones will rise. Plus, how we look at money will be changing too, but it's not really anything to worry about. Everything will balance in the end.

What is interesting about all of this is that my tarot cards reinforce that things will be ending, and much change will happen regarding work and the establishment on a very substantial level. It may feel long and tedious, but it will go very fast and swiftly. So, our hearts may skip a bit, but all the change will be a very good thing. Remember without change progress could not happen.

Light all around you!


(See your astrological sign below:)


Since this is your birthday month, one would think you would be considering new adventures, but you’ll have to contend with unfinished issues that you'll need to resolve before you can venture off into the new beyond. It will also be a time (at least this month) not to procure anything new because chances are you'll have to return those items for faulty reasons. Also, Mercury will be in retrograde from April 21st until May 14th. This will be a good time to meditate and try to be more confident in using your intuition.


You may get an unexpected raise or promotion and maybe even both. Even on a personal level, things should fall into place for you almost effortlessly, to your surprise. The only downfall is your investments may go down for a while. But don't touch them because they will eventually reverse and be even more valuable to you later.


This is a month where you should not play around with your health. In fact, you should get a check-up to make sure that everything is okay. What you tried to work hard for during the winter, you'll see the results in the spring. You'll have to cancel vacation plans to make this new job offer or project a reality.


Whatever moves you make this month or wherever you go, expect the unexpected, and be on your toes to make the right decisions. There will be someone trying to contact you whom you had a falling out with quite some time ago. You'll be at peace if you talk things out with this person, even if you decide never to talk with them again. Also, this will be a month where you'll feel things are very challenging in your work. Keep strong. There is much progress ahead for you!


You have this strong urge to run away from all your problems. Well, if you want to do that, at least get all your affairs in order. Then you'll begin to see what your real priorities are and resolve some difficult problems that may be there along the way. Then, if you still want to run away, you'll have a better exit plan.


If you don’t do anything to fix your relationship, it will be ending shortly. Who knows, maybe that is your goal. It will soon be falling apart because you are not putting any effort into it. If you don’t do anything you will actually regret it, so think about what your actions are. Also, you will want to go on a trip but before you go, make sure that you are organized and prepared. Pack ahead of time so you don’t forget anything that you will need at your destination.


This should be a month of dramatic change for you, almost moving mysteriously, but at the same time, surprisingly turning out perfectly for you. Although on some level it will be like a "feel good" month for you, it will be one where you'll have to know how to spend your money wisely, like an investment for your life. Also, doors will be opening for you which may mean you may have to move. It will be worth it.


Scorpios are usually known to be problem solvers, but at the same time trying not to step on people's toes. Trust me, you'll find a diplomatic and empathic way to resolve the issues you encounter. There is a man that you adore but is also very stubborn. Just let him be, and he'll come around. Sometimes, one must see on their own what's actually there to see.


You'll be spending time with someone who is very special to you but also wanting to keep it quiet from others around you. You just feel the less said, the better. There is someone you don't want to deal with but have no choice. (This may be an ex with children.) So, do the best you can without pushing them over the cliff. Finally, you'll have people to deal with whom you work with. As much as this may frustrate you, smile your way through, and you'll get what you want.


Unfortunately, the month of April won't be your shiniest moment. You will have some issues to resolve on a personal and business-related level. But you should pull through both and breathe better soon after, including making a financial profit or even getting back money from Uncle Sam. When everything is said and done, you'll get an unexpected visitor you haven't seen for a long while.


This will be a month where you'll feel like everything is coming together for you, but you will still feel limited to what you can do. You may have to spend money on something that you are unsure about. The outcome may be either for better or for worse. Take a worthwhile trip and recharge your batteries. You have a female friend that may get into an accident but will eventually recover.


You'll be taking a much-needed vacation this month and maybe even going on a getaway that you don't want to talk about. Not that you want to keep it quiet, but you just don't want to waste your time talking about it to too many people. Having said that, a friend wants to see you, so be careful what you say to them. They may ask you for a favor that you'll not want to do. You'll be very surprised as this month comes to a close with an unexpected job promotion.


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