The Prognosis for October 2022
This month will be a month where you will be hearing new secrets coming out in the news concerning our neighbors from abroad, who are usually considered allies, including the usual suspects. There will be a female leader that will surprise all of us on how she will get the economy back in order. Plus, there will also be another world leader that will be kicked out or sent to prison. I almost want to say, they should be sent to prison by the bushel. Having said that, there will also be a female being let out of prison. So, in short, a revolving door!!
Good news! Mercury will be going direct on October 2, Pluto will be going direct on October 8th (new secrets exposed), and Saturn will be going direct October 23 (justice to be served).
Light all around you!
(See your astrological sign below:)

This month should be one of quiet solitude, being in your own thoughts and letting go of things that do not fit into your life anymore. There will be a positive aspect in your life this month concerning legal matters to your liking. You will resolve things with a colleague at work and you will get your way in the bargain.

This is going to be a month where I ask all Taurus' people to remain local. Or at least do not go too far. The cards are telling me, whatever you want to happen in your life, will happen near where you live. Anyone that is going to try to sell you something, if it does not come with a contract, do not buy it. Chances are that the product is not good. Having said that, after that experience, you should get an offer of your dreams, which will be very substantial.

You will get a unique offer connected to your profession. You will not have to put in a lot of effort, per say, but it will make you remarkably successful!! Plus, you are going to meet a very influential woman or gay man that will help change your life for the better. Whatever door you have been having a challenging time opening, will now open, to your surprise.

This will be a month of profound change for you. The change should be particularly good since I got the sun card which is the start of something new concerning a man of influence. You have been waiting for a long time for something to change in a business contract and it will now be happening. Take the offer because the door has a limited time to be open. If you have done any new construction on your home, I'm sorry to tell you this, but it is still not completed; even though the people who did it, say that it is.

This will be a remarkably busy business month for you. It will happily catch you off card since your business was slow during the long, hot summer. People will be coming out of the woodwork asking you to help them with all their problems. Although it will be a headache to you, it will be a good headache concerning a lot of money. There is a personal problem you have had for an exceedingly long time, and the issue at hand will now have a solution!!

You could almost call October your month of solutions in resolving significant issues with your work. It will feel like a little miracle, but really all the right people are just coming together for you. But in that way, it is a karmic miracle. There is someone you know who is very unhealthy or needs your help and you will be the one that, sort of, rescues them in their time of need.

There is a chance you may be leaving your job because you feel the environment feels spiritually toxic. The cards say you will be doing the right thing for yourself. You may start your own business and although you do have trepidation, you should do very well! At the beginning, you will feel the whole world is against you, but you will have a way of turning it into gold!

This will be a time when you realize that old things will be ending on their own, to your relief. There will be someone remarkably close to you that will realize that you were correct on certain issues all along and should come to you to apologize. You will feel very thankful for a decision you made a while ago that turned out to be the right one. That decision should have made you highly successful!!

This will be one of those months where you will feel stuck in multiple ways. Meaning, there will be things at home that you will have no choice but to address. You have a gift in getting yourself out of pickles because under stress you know how to produce answers and get out of them very quickly. So, feel thankful and lucky you could to that. And do not worry, because of this everything you wanted to happen, will fall into place by some stroke of a miracle.

This will be a month of a lot of breakthroughs for you and will take truly little effort on your part. Whatever problems you are having at work, you will find a solution on how to resolve them. You will have some postponements in your medical appointments, but over all you should be fine so do not worry so much.

This will be a month for you to focus on your health, so, keep on top of whatever is ailing you; if you do that, you will be just fine. This will be a month that whatever is not working for you, will end. Aquarians, you will be dealing with trust issues but try to trust that things will work out now. The cards are telling me, that for part of October, stay in the same place, it will pay off for you. Last, but not least, after waiting for a long time for something, it will now sail.

You have had the feeling of feeling stuck for a few months. Unexpectedly, to your surprise, things will start opening for you and you will have a newfound freedom. Going into the autumn, you should have less worry and more to celebrate. Take the chances that you want to take in your own unique fashion. Having said that, let go of the old and embrace the new!