The Predictions for August 2024
I don’t have to tell you that there is a lot of change in the air, both in the United States and the world, and you might be feeling left out. Don’t worry, there will be things out there this August that will be cause to celebrate. Surprise can be good. This will be a time of not only obvious change, both on a political and geopolitical level, but also on a spiritual level which will be going on for years to come. Water will play a big factor in this change. Remember water has many healing benefits. Be open to change and let go of any fear you have. That doesn’t mean Big Brother won't be out there trying to scare you but never give in. So, trust the Universe and intuitively go with the flow. August will be about just rewards from your past mixed in with continued learning!
Light all around you ;-)!
(See your astrological sign below:)

This will be a month of mutual calibration and diplomatic patience if you want to get things through at work. Then after that, all should go smoothly. Also, if you want to experience something that you’ve never done before but want to, please do some research and homework before you even pursue it!

There is an adventure that you always wanted to do since you were young but have always been afraid to do. It won’t cost you much to do. I would encourage you to do it and it will even make you a little more confident in your life as an adult to boot! For you to have a new relationship, you have to confront and let go of your last relationship. Once you do so, you can venture forward.

Whatever negative karma you’ve had with money, those days should soon be over, and your well should eventually be replenished. There is someone who wants to get back in your good graces again. Don’t go there. You’ll regret the results. Self-hibernation will pay off in a big way for you.

You’ll be connecting with people this month which will prove deceptive to you, but at the same time you may have no choice but to deal with them. So use your great intuition to get yourself through. On the other hand, this will be a month when you start to make oodles of money coming your way in the most unexpected places. There will be a part of your life on a business level that doesn’t serve you anymore. So let it go and another door will open up for you just as easily.

You’ve set a business situation in motion where you can make money no matter where you go. It will feel effortless although it did take you a while to put it together in the first place. Keep it quiet and to yourself! It would be better if the majority of people think that you are struggling. This includes your spouse!

August will feel like Mercury is retrograde for you, so now is the perfect time to look at things from your past that need fixing. You’ll get a very lucrative business offer. My guides tell me you shouldn't accept it until you take care of all the kinks and fix the contract to your liking even if you sign after August 27. A business associate or client may fall ill, but it’s nothing you can’t fix on your own!

You may hear about someone you're close to who is not doing very well and at the same time, there is nothing you can do to help. Prayer can go a long way! There’s a chance you’ll be coming into a lot of money in a short time. Since mercury will be in retrograde for most of August if you are planning to do something new, don’t do it. It will completely fail!!

There is a chance that you’ll have a reconciliation with someone with whom you've had a huge falling out. The reunion will be a happy one. There is someone out there who wants to romance you if you’re up to it. There is a spirit from the other side you were close to who wants to give you a message. Listen extra quietly.

You’ll be feeling very lethargic during the dog days of summer and not wanting to do much. Then a friend of yours will talk you out of it to be more proactive. It will happen in the nick of time when you’re unaware you have some unfinished business to take care of before you can do anything else with your life. As you step into September you can approach it with ease not to mention you’ve saved yourself a lot of money.

I would recommend that you’re very conscious of how you handle your money. It may go faster than you think. Be more confident in yourself trusting your decision-making process. You’re pretty good at it!! There have been some past business decisions you’ve made that you now question. Just sit tight, they’ll eventually come through!

As far as money is concerned, August will be very kind to you. How will you come into a lot of money? Stocks, gift form, or work, who knows? But for sure, it’s coming. Also there’s a chance your love life may change too, but it starts on a friendship level first. So you know, you’ll be very much in demand at work, so keep communications open.

You’ll be going through transitions as far as friends are concerned, but we all go through that, even when friends move on geographically. Even though travel may be difficult for you, everything will eventually go smoothly for a needed vacation. Because Mercury is in retrograde, it will actually help fix and put your relationship back on track. Past issues will put it back together again.