The Predictions for July 2024
When I did the Tarot cards for July, I focused on the United States since I live here, but I also tried to incorporate the rest of the world as well. So this is how the cards spoke to me.
This will be a month where you’ll have to take control and show more caution in what you do with everyday matters because the universe is trying to show what doesn’t work for you anymore and how to move with the change. It may give you a bit of a learning headache.
The government may tighten its belt on finances. Not that you should lose trust in the government because it will work for you on a personal level, but the approach and outlook will look different. I'm not sure when it will happen, but our money may start to look different, and different is the operative word! Surprisingly, it will work for us!
Also, this summer will feel like it's moving very fast and you may be concerned that you won’t have time to complete everything, but you will. Plus, it will be a time of self-realization and introspection!
We will also see our technology start to move to another plateau, which may feel exhausting to some of us. But to balance it off, on an astrological level, we will become even more spiritual and psychic to help balance the outcome of how the world will be changing. But please remember, we are going through twenty years of change because Pluto will be in Aquarius, but on a current level starting June 29 to November 15, Saturn will be in retrograde. That means it feels as if things are going slower but despite that, you’ll feel you won’t have time to complete everything. In actuality, you’ll not only have time to complete everything, but you will also have time to see where you need to dot your i’s and cross your t’s too!! It is a time to rest and take a breather. Our economy may feel as if it's slowing down, but it’s making sure it doesn’t fall and will improve.
It will also be a time when our laws will be more liberal and justifiable for the common person! So, when the next Mercury in retrograde happens on August 4 to 27, it will feel smoother for us because everything will feel slower and we will have time to remove all the kinks we don’t want in our lives.
Well, I hope this information will help you get through.
Light all around you ;-)!
(See your astrological sign below:)

You’ll have an opportunity to make a long-term investment which will prove very lucrative in your future! One of the true characteristics of an Aries is that you never retire no matter how much you think about it. As life goes on, things will fall into place without any worries. You’ll put everything into place as you like it.

You may have a lot of tension concerning one of your friends that may lead to a breakup. You’ll have a new mysterious person coming into your life who will want to romance you. A business opportunity will fall into your lap. I recommend you grab it while you have the chance.

You’ll be offered a job but the pay is lower than it should be. So, hold out for a higher wage. You have friends in high places, so this would be a good time to take advantage of it. It would be wise to strengthen your psychic abilities now to help you go further on your journeys in life.

There’s a chance of a falling out of some sort, but at the same time, someone else will pick you up just as fast. Whatever bad rut you feel you’re in, there will be another justifiable way out of the situation. Just as things may start to tumble, you have the great skill of keeping it together!!!

In order to succeed in the future, you have to let go of things from the past to carry yourself into the future. Your work will feel tough during the summer, but will greatly pick up starting in the fall. Because of somebody else’s demise, you’ll greatly achieve even more.

On a personal level, you’ll start your month a bit turbulent, so try to find a quiet place to meditate and you’ll find your answers. There’s an opportunity to be with someone you love very much. Do not do any long-distance traveling this month.

There’s a good chance that you’ll be coming into a lot of money from a very unexpected source. Don’t question it and just say, thank you!! You may feel obligated to entertain this month but it will be short, and bittersweet. Lastly, there will be some work that you don’t want to do, but you’ll be very successful at it.

There's a situation that has been troubling you for quite some time. It will all disappear as if it never existed. There has been someone in your workplace who hasn’t been honest with you. It will soon be revealed who it is. Because of that, you’ll get exactly what you’ve desired, so just be thankful and be at peace with it.

I’m always amused when the cards tell me that you’ll be at the right place at the right time for something unexpected to happen and you’ll be very pleased. You’ll also be anxiously waiting for something to show up. It does and in the nick of time. Something from your past will be rectified, and you’ll be set free!

Something unexpected will happen in your life and life will be easier and more freeing for you. Maybe it has something to do with advanced technology?! You’ll also have a breakthrough that may have to do with your inner being. (A Prozac moment?) There is a business situation that doesn’t work for you anymore. You can still keep it but within the context, you need to change things around to make it work for you again!

There is something new with your work that you would like to start, but it still needs a whole lot of fixing before you can do it. But once it gets done, it will move very swiftly! You’ll be getting lots of money through your work, but before you can touch it, some old device has to be replaced. It's almost like fixing the old clock in the tower!

You’ve had a breakup, and they feel just as bad as you, so try to make up. Your spouse will have something new and unique to discuss regarding the type of work they started. And speaking of work, you may get so bored with your profession that you may want to look into other work options. Just be patient. They will be coming!