Mano's Psychic Predictions - Astro Tarot September 2024

The Predictions for Semptember 2024
As we go into September, leave August, and most importantly Mercury in retrograde, we will feel the energy moving seemingly faster again. However such planets as Saturn and Neptune will remain in retrograde until the end of the year which deals with deception and illusion. They will feel a little softer because Saturn's retrograde will be in Capricorn for September until the middle of November. So, what this means is we will see through some of the deception and illusion that certain governments and huge companies try to cover up. The economy should be stable and moderately growing. There will be better partnerships growing and mending the U.S. That doesn’t mean that established institutions won’t try to get away with things, but at least things will still be exposed about them and be kept in check.
There will be some kind of health scare again, but it will be taken care of before it gets out of hand. It will still feel like the corrupt old world will still want to dominate us, but let them think that. There will be so many surprises happening, that they won’t know what hit them.
Unfortunately, we still have to hold off earthquakes and hurricanes a little longer! I’ll try to meditate on that so it won’t be so bad!
Light all around you ;-)!
(See your astrological sign below:)

After all these years of so-called hibernation since COVID-19, you’ll turn around and become more social again. You have felt limited for a while, but you’ll find a way to have your cake and eat it too. The more intuitive you become as the years pass, the freer your mind becomes, but learn to be more selective in what your mind picks up.

For a long time, you have felt very alone, but that will change because the new confidence you feel now fills up that gap. There’s a good chance, after work, you’ll further your education to help you achieve more in what you want. You’ll be meeting someone new as a relationship possibility for you but chances are it won’t work out. Regardless, you will still learn something from the experience.

There is a project you worked very hard on and you did your best. But you still feel something is missing. Just remember, as long as you did your best, that counts in the ending. That is something you will learn about yourself, to bring quality to everything you do and leave your mark. There is someone whom you may fall in love with. You should take the chance and take it the extra mile.

Although we’re going into September, it will feel as if you’re doing spring cleaning and getting rid of things that just wasted space. What this will do is make your decision-making more organized and sharper, and bring new ideas for you to become even more financially successful.

On a work level, things have not been blooming like you’d like them to go. You’ll figure it out soon enough and reverse the situation. What I’m getting is you still need to update certain things in your business and that will help you become more innovative. But don’t worry so much as you make the changes you need to make. You still have helpers and clients around you who are still very loyal to you.

You’ll feel that you have no choice but to work with someone that you really don’t want to be around. Just remember that it’s a means to an end. There has been a time when you have been in ill health. You’ll find the right people to help heal you. On a good note, your financial situation will now greatly improve.

Come September, you will feel the urge to leave your job. If that’s the case you may also have to relocate. If you don’t want to do that, it will take you a lot longer to find a new job. As long as you have the patience and endurance, you can achieve that goal and get what you want in the same geography.

Although everything seems pretty much balanced in your life, you still feel lonely and or sad, because the lines of communication with someone you love haven’t been open for a while. That will eventually be changing where you’ll have that reconciliation. Just be more patient and act more positive in the meantime. When your life becomes brighter again, don’t ask too many questions. They’ll open up to you all on their own.

You always seem to worry about work more than anything else in your life as if it were married to you. But like a relationship, it needs more air and some inventive change to survive. Once you make those changes, it will be a successful life-altering experience.

You haven’t been feeling very productive lately, and you also feel a bit out of sorts. You’ll shortly have an idea to do something very different that will lighten up your life. It will feel like you are starting a new adventure without having to do many alterations!

There is someone who owes you a large amount of money for quite some time. Likely, this is the month you will now collect it. Also, someone promised you a new opportunity. It will soon start to happen if you still want it. Last but not least, your work situation will improve with just a bit of tweaking here and there.

There is a past obligation that you’ll have no choice but to fulfill. You’ll do it with grace and ease. Meanwhile, back at work, your superiors will want to give you a new promotion but the kind of money you expect to get from it, you really won’t get. So, think twice about whether you really want to go there.